1. Use the basic six food groups as your guide in preparing your menu.
2. Try to plan weekly menus. Avoid having the same menu on the same day of the seek, week after week.
3. Make use of foods in season. They are fresh, wholesome and inexpensive.
4. Menus should be flexible to adjust to the availability of food supply.
5. For variety, serve foods which have good flavor combination and meals that catch the eye and whet the appetite.
6. When planning for a meal, select dishes which do not make use of the same cooking utensils.
7. Plan meals which allow pre-cooking and use of left-overs.
8. Use perishable items first.
9. Make sure that a meal does not consist of all hot or all cold foods.
10. Fried foods and rich pastries are hard to digest. They should not be served together in a meal.
11. Milk and fruit juices are more nutritious than and should be given to children instead of tea, coffee or soda (soft drinks).